Westcoast Secured by Design certified composite windows

Secured by Design (SBD) is the official police security initiative that is owned by the UK Police Service with the specific aim to reduce crime and help people live more safely. SBD seek to improve the physical security of buildings using products, such as doors, windows, locks and walling systems that meet SBD security requirements.

Why was SBD created?

SBD was created in 1989 following the housing boom of the 1960s-1980s when there was a huge and urgent demand for housing. Estates were built quickly and often cheaply without any basic security.

In the wider built environment, sky walkways and subways incorporated into many large estates were designed to keep apart pedestrians and the rapidly growing number of vehicles.

However, this created a haven for criminal activities where escape routes were everywhere and anonymity was absolute. In response, the Police Service set up SBD to combat the significant rise in burglary.

Raising standards in product manufacture

SBD started working with industry bodies and manufacturers to tackle the variations in the quality of the product being sold against the product that was originally tested.

With SBD driving the market, it resulted in test houses being created and certification bodies set up to meet the demand. This work over many years has raised the awareness of the importance and benefits of security throughout the standards and construction industry.

Today, products like doors and windows have to be certified by a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) certification body before being considered for SBD’s Police Preferred Specification.

Westcoast Secured by Design certified composite windows
Secured by Design composite windows

What is SBD certification?

Companies with products or services which can be tested or evaluated to show effective security or crime prevention benefit may apply to be licensed members and the products awarded ‘Police Preferred Specification’ status.

Product categories range from Alarm Installers to home security products such as doors, locks, windows, asset marking to commercial security products such as grills, shutters and security glazing.

Westcoast is a certified Secured by Design licence holder

Westcoast is a SBD license holder, which demonstrates not only successful testing of our composite windows to PAS 24:2016 standards but also regular independent UKAS accredited 3rd Party auditing to ensure consistency of product quality and performance.

All principle Westcoast composite windows and doors are certified to Secured by Design standards. Explore our extensive range of Secured by Design accredited composite windows and doors at: PRODUCTS

Andrew Mills, Westcoast Window Systems Managing Director, said: “We are proud to continue our long-term membership with Secured by Design. It reflects our dedication to third-party testing and certification to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of security for our customers.”

Get in touch to discuss Westcoast Secured by Design composite windows for your next project: info@westcoastwindows.com or call 01359 241944

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