Composite Windows And Doors. Made In Sweden. Designed For Life.
For over 25 years we’ve been meeting the demands of our customers, building high quality double and triple-glazed aluminium timber composite windows and doors with consideration to how they will be used throughout their lifetime.
Our Swedish manufactured composite windows and doors have a unique bonded aluminium and timber composite construction – following the principles of functional, yet elegant design, efficiency and exceptional durability.
We want our composite windows and doors to last as long as the building they are being fitted in, so we use the highest quality materials to withstand all weather conditions, for a superior lifespan and minimum maintenance.
View our full range of composite windows, doors and sliding doors in PRODUCTS.
Take a look at the different options available in STYLE & OPTIONS.
We’ll connect you with one of our regional authorised distributors.
They are experienced glazing solutions suppliers who will help you design your composite windows, process your order with our Swedish factory and arrange the delivery and installation to meet your timescales.
Find your local Westcoast distributor: distributors@westcoastwindows.com
Architects & Contractors
Our UK-based team are here to help with your requirements.
Our highly experienced team will work with you to plan, design, budget and schedule the composite windows for your project, from initial enquiry to delivery and installation on site, along with all the necessary quality assurance.
Get in touch to discuss your project: info@westcoastwindows.com or 01359 241944
Quality & Performance